Yellow Workbooks
Workbook 7 Coordination and Control Overview
The nervous system and hormones enable us to respond to external changes. They also help us to control conditions inside our bodies. The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones.
Workbook 8 Keeping Healthy Overview
A combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise are needed to keep the body healthy.
Workbook 9 Drugs Overview
Drugs affect our body chemistry. Medical drugs are developed to relieve illness or disease. Drugs may also be used recreationally as people like the effect on the body eg alcohol and tobacco. People cannot make sensible decisions about drugs unless they know their full effects.
Workbook 10 Disease Overview
Our bodies provide an excellent environment for many microbes which can make us ill once they are inside. Our bodies need to stop most microbes getting in and deal with any microbes which do get in.
Workbook 11 Adaptation, Competition and Environment Overview
Animals and plants are well adapted to survive in their normal environment. Their population depends on many factors including competition for the things they need, being eaten for food and being infected by disease.
Workbook 12 Reproduction and Cloning Overview
There are not only differences between different species of plants and animals but also between individuals of the same species. These differences are due partly to the information in the cells they have inherited from their parents and partly to the different environments in which the individuals live and grow. Non-sexual reproduction can be used to produce individuals exactly like their parents. Scientists can now add, remove or change genes to produce the plants and animals they want.
Workbook 13 Evolution Overview
Changes in the environment of plants and animals may cause them to die out. Particular genes or accidental changes in the genes of plants or animals may give them characteristics which enable them to survive better. Over time this may result in entirely new species.