Exam BLY1A and BLY1B 1st March 2012: Venue Brittania Hotel (some learners will be at Clarendon.... check notice boards

Leaf structure

1 Waxy cuticle - prevents excess water loss by evapouration
2 Epidermis - prevents water loss and harmful substances entering the cell
3 Pallisade layer - made of palisade cells which have many chloroplast to allow lots of photosynthesis
4 Spongy layer - cells have some chloroplast to allow some photosynthesis with lots of air spaces
5 Air spaces - to allow gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen) to diffuse into/out of the leaf 6 Stomata - Allows carbon dioxide into the leaf and oxygen out. Also controls the amount of water lost from the plant.
6 Stomata - Allows carbon dioxide into the leaf and oxygen out. Also controls the amount of water lost from the plant.

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